August Adventures: Embracing Change, YouTube Success, and Life Lessons

Yes, I do have a channel where I talk about Startups (that is the only thing I know in life)

August Adventures: Embracing Change, YouTube Success, and Life Lessons

Aditya Arora’s Newsletter | Season 2


Hey Readers!

It’s time for August.

Two things happened:

1. The world was deciding between Oppenheimer and Barbie.

2. I took a significant step. (not getting married)

I started posting on Youtube back again. (drumroll, please!)

Yes, I do have a channel where I talk about Startups (that is the only thing I know in life, sadly!)

While I will take some more time to figure out the long-form content, I have been posting a lot of Youtube Shorts.

Make sure to check out the channel 👇🏻

They have received a great response and have seen 2x the views of my regular videos.

Enough of blowing my own trumpet! Let us talk about you :)

When was the last time you smiled? When was the last time you did not check notifications on your phone for more than 3 hours? When was the last time you sat down with your parents to have your conversations?

I do not need answers. I need you to ponder on this and do whatever you want.

Now, let us look at our takeaways for this month:
  1. Control what you can. Do not control the uncontrollable.

  2. An ice cream makes a bad day look good. Also, Taylor Swift is the best singer ever.

See you in September, folks!


Aditya Arora