Beyond Achievements: A Season of Soulful Discoveries

We are at the year’s end? Funny, I didn’t even realise how 2023 went by. It is like getting flashbacks from last year’s party while planning one for this year.

Beyond Achievements: A Season of Soulful Discoveries

Aditya Arora’s Newsletter | Season 2 Finale

Hey Readers!

 We are at the year’s end?

Funny, I didn’t even realise how 2023 went by. It is like getting flashbacks from last year’s party while planning one for this year.

And why not? I completed most of my resolutions and over performed on some.

It has been a whirlwind. My online family has grown bigger, all thanks to your support.

But I think one of the biggest ones has been space for personal life.

I have made new friends, gone on countless flights, and found solace in strangers who supported me when the sails were down.

You must have read in the heading that this is the Season 2 finale. Today, I will not mention any achievements or special moments this year. But, look at you from the screen directly and talk.

To those who read this letter eagerly, I am so happy you find time for my musings. You have so much going on in your life, and still, you await to read what is in mine. I wish you one day to be your true self to people if you aren’t already. And if you plan to make a newsletter out of it, count me as your subscriber already :)

To those who skip reading this, I hope you do read it someday. And even if you don’t I will count you in my prayers.

Now, let us look at our takeaways for this month:

  1. If you add 202, it is 4. So, may 2024 be full of positive additions in our lives to reach our ultimate goals.

  2. Express gratitude to people who made your 2023 - A whole lot better. It is time you make theirs, too.

See you shortly for Season 3 - with a better format and a broader smile. Keep hanging. I will see you on the other side very soon.

PS. leaving you with a picture of the Blue City - Udaipur


Aditya Arora